X-ray Crystal Structure of Thorium Tetrahydroborate, Th(BH4)4, and Computational Studies of An(BH4)4(An = Th, U)

Andrew C. Dunbar, Joseph C. Wright, Daniel J. Grant, Gregory S. Girolami

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The crystal structure of Th(BH4)4 is described. Two of the four BH4- ions are terminal and tridentate (κ3), whereas the other two bridge between neighboring ThIV centers in a κ2,κ2 (i.e., bis-bidentate) fashion. Thus, each thorium center is bound to six BH4- groups by 14 Th-H bonds. The six boron atoms describe a distorted octahedron in which the κ3-BH4- ions are mutually cis; the 14 ligating hydrogen atoms define a highly distorted bicapped hexagonal antiprism. The thorium centers are linked into a polymer consisting of interconnected helical chains wound about 4-fold screw axes. The structures of An(BH4)4 (An = Th, U) were also investigated by DFT. The geometries of [An(BH4)6]2-, [An3(BH4)16]4-, and [An5(BH4)26]6- fragments of the polymeric structures were optimized at the B3LYP and/or PBE levels. Most calculated geometries are 14-coordinate and agree with the experimental structures, but isolated [Th(BH4)6]2- units are predicted to feature 16-coordinate ThIV centers.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)12489-12497
Number of pages9
JournalInorganic Chemistry
Issue number16
StatePublished - Aug 16 2021

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry


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