Vocational Evaluation in Rehabilitation

David R. Strauser, Fong Chan, Julianne Frain, Timothy Tansey, Michael Frain

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Vocational evaluation is best done through a focus on the strengths of the individual with a disability. This chapter helps the reader understand the role of vocational evaluation in the vocational rehabilitation process. It explains the theoretical frameworks for vocational evaluation and the different levels of vocational evaluation. The chapter discusses the basic approaches utilized in vocational evaluation. It outlines the importance of vocational evaluation, especially utilizing the vocational counseling approach with a focus on establishing a strong working alliance and assessing values, interests, interpersonal skills, and personality traits. The chapter provides a theoretical framework that can be used to guide the information and analysis of information obtained during the evaluation process. It presents a basic overview of the three levels of evaluation as they relate to vocational evaluation and rehabilitation. Finally, the chapter provides a brief overview of the techniques and procedures used in vocational evaluation.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationCareer Development, Employment, and Disability in Rehabilitation
Subtitle of host publicationFrom Theory to Practice
EditorsDavid R. Strauser
PublisherSpringer Publishing Company
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-8261-5816-1
ISBN (Print)978-0-8261-5815-4
StatePublished - Dec 2020


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