
Methods and apparatus for obtaining a vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) image using a discrete frequency infrared (DFIR) microscope are disclosed. The method includes generating a pulsed laser beam comprising a spectral frequency, which may be tunable; modulating the laser beam to generate circularly polarized light; illuminating a sample and collecting, and detecting an optical signal transmitted or transflected from the location of the sample. The detected signal is demodulated at, for example, both the pulse frequency and the sum or difference of the pulse frequency and the modulating frequency to obtain an intensity value that correspond to the absorbance, and a polarization-dependent value that corresponds to the VCD. Other configurations of the apparatus may be employed to measure VCB and VLD.
Original languageEnglish (US)
U.S. patent number11499910
Filing date7/15/21
StatePublished - Nov 15 2022


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