Vegetation Changes from 2009 to 2015 in Prairie and Old Field Habitats following Restoration at the North Chicago Wetland Mitigation Site, Lake County, Illinois

John B. Taft, Connie Carroll-Cunningham

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


This report focuses on results from vegetation monitoring in terrestrial plant communities during 2015 and examines and compares trends among Reference Prairie, Transect Prairie, and Old Field habitats. There are five main questions: 1. What are the site-level comparative trends in species composition, total richness, and floristic quality and, for Old Field and Prairie habitats (combining Reference Prairie and Transect Prairie habitats), what are the changes in species composition and abundance? 2. Based on 2015 sample data, are there significant between-subjects (vegetation types) differences with regard to ground layer and shrub/sapling parameters (e.g., composition, species richness, diversity, and cover - see Methods for full list and parameter definitions)?1 3. Are there significant within-subjects (year) differences in these parameters since the 2009 baseline data for each vegetation type and when (what year) do the differences occur?4. What are the between-subjects and within-subjects interactions (i.e., vegetation type x sample year) for selected vegetation parameters since 2009? 5. As a summary evaluation, how do baseline species composition, structure, and diversity patterns compare to the 2015 final sample?
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherIllinois Natural History Survey
StatePublished - Aug 8 2016

Publication series

NameINHS Technical Report 2016 (28)


  • INHS


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