Validation of a pin-based screening methodology for the investigation of pellet-clad interaction during load-follow operation

Daniel O'Grady, Tomasz Kozlowski

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In this work we investigated the effect of PWR load-follow operation on fuel failure risk. PWR1, an unnamed commercial reactor which performed load-follow power maneuvers in cycle 21, was modeled using VERA-CS. The linear heat rate and coolant temperature calculated by VERA-CS during the maneuvers were used as boundary conditions for BISON fuel performance calculations. Using the maximum hoop stress as the indicator of fuel failure risk, the different load-follow power maneuvers were compared to the initial start-up ramp. In order to determine the effect load-follow operation has on the fuel failure risk, different characteristics of the maneuvers were compared, e.g the magnitude of the decrease in power, hold period, and the presence of intermediate power steps. No correlations were observed between the characteristics and the resulting maximum clad hoop stress. In order to reduce the number of fuel performance calculations required to determine the safety of subsequent load-follow power maneuver, a pin-based screening method was developed. By selecting the top 1000 fuel rods selected during the screening process, the BISON predicted limiting fuel pin for each maneuver was captured.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages9
StatePublished - 2020
Event14th International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference, GLOBAL 2019 and Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference, TOP FUEL 2019 - Seattle, United States
Duration: Sep 22 2019Sep 27 2019


Conference14th International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference, GLOBAL 2019 and Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference, TOP FUEL 2019
Country/TerritoryUnited States

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Fuel Technology
  • Nuclear Energy and Engineering


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