Urbana Irrigation Controls Study

Scott R. Tess

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


The Urbana Irrigation Controls Study was undertaken to determine if measurable potable water savings and financial savings would result from the installation of irrigation control sensors on automatic landscape irrigation systems. The study utilized three existing irrigation meters at two different locations. One location received a rain sensor control on its meter and this meter's subsequent use was compared to its historic use. Another location had separate meters on both sides of a street. One meter received a combination evapotranspiration control, rain sensor, and freeze sensor (hereafter ET control) while the other side only had the existing timer. Both sides of the street had irrigation lines replaced as pre-existing damage to the existing lines would have caused leaks that would have impacted meter consumption results. The study was inconclusive because high precipitation rates precluded the need to utilize irrigation for most of the study period.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of PublicationChampaign, IL
PublisherIllinois Sustainable Technology Center
StatePublished - Feb 2016

Publication series

NameTR Series (Illinois Sustainable Technology Center)


  • Water conservation -- Illinois -- Case studies


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