Unidirectional microwave transduction with chirality selected short-wavelength magnon excitations

Yi Li, Tzu Hsiang Lo, Jinho Lim, John E. Pearson, Ralu Divan, Wei Zhang, Ulrich Welp, Wai Kwong Kwok, Axel Hoffmann, Valentine Novosad

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Nonreciprocal magnon propagation has recently become a highly potential approach of developing chip-embedded microwave isolators for advanced information processing. However, it is challenging to achieve large nonreciprocity in miniaturized magnetic thin-film devices because of the difficulty of distinguishing propagating surface spin waves along the opposite directions when the film thickness is small. In this work, we experimentally realize unidirectional microwave transduction with sub-micrometer-wavelength propagating magnons in a yttrium iron garnet (YIG) thin-film delay line. We achieve a non-decaying isolation of 30 dB with a broad field-tunable bandpass frequency range up to 14 GHz. The large isolation is due to the selection of chiral magnetostatic surface spin waves with the Oersted field generated from the coplanar waveguide antenna. Increasing the geometry ratio between the antenna width and YIG thickness drastically reduces the nonreciprocity and introduces additional magnon transmission bands. Our results pave the way for on-chip microwave isolation and tunable delay line with short-wavelength magnonic excitations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number022406
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jul 10 2023

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)


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