Toward Characterizing Environmental Sources of Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) at the Species Level: A Tutorial Review of NTM Phylogeny and Phylogenetic Classification

Lin Zhang, Tzu Yu Lin, Wen Tso Liu, Fangqiong Ling

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are any mycobacteria that do not cause tuberculosis or leprosy. While the majority of NTM are harmless and some of them are considered probiotic, a growing number of people are being diagnosed with NTM infections. Therefore, their detection in the environment is of interest to clinicians, environmental microbiologists, and water quality researchers alike. This review provides a tutorial on the foundational approaches for taxonomic classifications, with a focus on the phylogenetic relationships among NTM revealed by the 16S rRNA gene, rpoB gene, and hsp65 gene, and by genome-based approaches. Recent updates on the Mycobacterium genus taxonomy are also provided. A synthesis on the habitats of 189 mycobacterial species in a genome-based taxonomy framework was performed, with attention paid to environmental sources (e.g., drinking water, aquatic environments, and soil). The 16S rRNA gene-based classification accuracy for various regions was evaluated (V3, V3-V4, V3-V5, V4, V4-V5, and V1-V9), revealing overall excellent genus-level classification (up to 100% accuracy) yet only modest performance (up to 63.5% accuracy) at the species level. Future research quantifying NTM species in water systems, determining the effects of water treatment and plumbing conditions on their variations, developing high throughput species-level characterization tools for use in the environment, and incorporating the characterization of functions in a phylogenetic framework will likely fill critical knowledge gaps. We believe this tutorial will be useful for researchers new to the field of molecular or genome-based taxonomic profiling of environmental microbiomes. Experts may also find this review useful in terms of the selected key findings of the past 30 years, recent updates on phylogenomic analyses, as well as a synthesis of the ecology of NTM in a phylogenetic framework.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)127-141
Number of pages15
JournalACS Environmental Au
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 15 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • 16S rRNA
  • Drinking Water
  • Ecology
  • Genome
  • Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria
  • Phylogeny
  • Taxonomy
  • hsp65
  • rpoB

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
  • Water Science and Technology


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