Total system energy minimization for wireless image transmission

Swaroop Appadwedula, Manish Goel, Naresh R. Shanbhag, Douglas L. Jones, Kannan Ramchandran

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In this paper, we focus on the total-system-energy minimization of a wireless image transmission system including both digital and analog components. Traditionally, digital power consumption has been ignored in system design, since transmit power has been the most significant component. However, as we move to an era of pico-cell environments and as more complex signal processing algorithms are being used at higher data rates, the digital power consumption of these systems becomes an issue. We present an energy-optimized image transmission system for indoor wireless applications which exploits the variabilities in the image data and the wireless multipath channel by employing dynamic algorithm transformations and joint source-channel coding. The variability in the image data is characterized by the rate-distortion curve, and the variability in the channel characteristics is characterized by the path-loss and impulse response of the channel. The system hardware configuration space is characterized by the error-correction capability of the channel encoder/decoder, number of powered-up fingers in the RAKE receiver, and transmit power of the power amplifier. An optimization algorithm is utilized to obtain energy-optimal configurations subject to end-to-end performance constraints. The proposed design is tested over QCIF images, IMT-2000 channels and 0.18 μm, 2.5 V CMOS technology parameters. Simulation results over various images, various distances, two different channels, and two different rates show that the average energy savings in utilizing a total-system-energy minimization over a fixed system (designed for the worst image, the worst channel and the maximum distance) are 53.6% and 67.3%, respectively, for short-range (under 20 m) and long-range (over 20 m) systems.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)99-117
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Feb 2001

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Signal Processing
  • Information Systems
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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