Thick Siliciclastic Brownfield ROZ: Modeling Development Strategies for CO2-EOR and Storage

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


A geological conceptual geo-cellular model was undertaken on the ROZ potential in the Thick Cypress Sandstone as part of a project funded by US DOE/NETL. One of the aims was to develop CO2-EOR field strategies and look at the economic viability of using ROZs for storage. The geological characterisation showed the sandstone was deposited as part of an incised valley system with stacked, interconnected beds. Case 1 modelled simultaneous injection into the main pay zone (MPZ) and the ROZ which is still regarded as the best scenario. Other variations allowed for CO2 and/or oil to move. The work concluded that CO2 distribution is controlled by the process of oil displacing water, and water production. In the presence of a MPZ the challenge is to inject and store CO2 throughout the ROZ and EOR zones. Also, favourable water mobility at a ROZ counters the CO2 buoyancy, but gravity override prevails. The model also demonstrated that the oil bank has lateral and downward movement and it is a challenge to minimize its downward movement. Two water and two oil banks were formed. The first water bank is related to oil displacement, the second water bank is related to CO2. MPZ oil recovery is similar to conventional CO2-EOR but ROZ CO2-EOR is 40-50% of the MPZ CO2-EOR. ROZ CO2 storage efficiency is 15-45% of the MPZ and ROZ net Utilization is 2-3 times the MPZ.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationIEAGHG Modelling and Risk Management Combined Network Meeting
PublisherIEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme
StatePublished - 2018


  • ISGS


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