The Hoxie Farm Site Fortified Village: Late Fisher Phase Occupation and Fortification in South Chicago

Douglas K. Jackson, Thomas E. Emerson, Illinois State Archaeological Survey

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


The Hoxie Farm site (11CK4) is a large, intensively occupied multicomponent site located in the south suburban Chicago area of Cook County, Illinois, near the Village of Thornton. Most segments of prehistory are represented in the various collections and excavated data sets from the site, and the native occupations may have extended into the protohistoric area. Euro-Americans occupied this site just prior to the mid-nineteenth century. What is unarguably the most important aspect of the site investigations was the exposure of a portion of a large, densely populated village that was surrounded by fortifications—what we term the Fortified Village. This village occupation can be confidently assigned to the fourteenth-century late Fisher phase. Importantly, the village was found to be spatially discrete and segregated from the more intensively utilized portion of the site exposed during the investigations. This latter area, which we refer to as the Main Occupation Area, lies to the north and west of the Fortified Village and is covered in a separate volume. Research Report #40, The Hoxie Farm Site Main Occupation Area: Late Fisher and Huber Phase Components in South Chicago.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of PublicationChampaign
PublisherIllinois State Archaeological Survey
StatePublished - 2014

Publication series

NameISAS Research Report no. 27


  • ISAS


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