The family Dermatophilaceae

Konstantina Kagia, Wen Tso Liu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The family Dermatophilaceae embraces Gram-positive, high G+C, facultative anaerobic or strictly aerobic chemoorganotrophic bacteria with a wide range of habitats such as animal and human skin, fish guts, and wastewater treatment reactors. Up to date, it consists of five genera: Dermatophilus, Austwickia, Kineosphaera, Mobilicoccus, and Piscicoccus. Its first member, Dermatophilus congolensis, was isolated as the causative agent of bovine streptotrichosis, at the time named dermatose contagieuse. The disease can be described as an acute or chronic exudative dermatitis, affecting a wide range of animals and man. It has been known with a variety of names throughout time, mostly depending on the host animal, but all of them will hereafter be called under the broader name dermatophilosis. With its complex life cycle, unique morphology, and pathogenicity, D. congolensis has led to significant turmoil in the history of the taxonomic placement of itself and its relatives. Austwickia chelonae, which was originally thought to belong to the genus Dermatophilus, was recently reclassified as a new genus within the Dermatophilaceae family. Kineosphaera limosa was isolated from a deteriorated enhanced biological phosphorus removal reactor, and is able to accumulate polyhydroxyalkanoates. Mobilicoccus pelagius and Piscicoccus intestinalis constitute the latest additions to the family and were both isolated from the intestinal tracts of two species of fish. Thus, it can be concluded that members of the family Dermatophilaceae constitute a phenotypically versatile group.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationThe Prokaryotes
Subtitle of host publicationActinobacteria
Number of pages9
ISBN (Electronic)9783642301384
ISBN (Print)3642301371, 9783642301377
StatePublished - Jul 1 2014

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Immunology and Microbiology


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