The effects of corn milling coproducts on growth performance and diet digestibility by beef cattle

C. M. Peter, D. B. Faulkner, N. R. Merchen, D. F. Parrett, T. G. Nash, J. M. Dahlquist

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Simmental x Angus weanling heifers (n = 96; 239 ± 2.3 kg) were used in four replications to evaluate three dietary treatments in Trial 1. Treatments were cracked corn-hay diets supplemented with one of three corn milling industry coproducts: dry corn gluten feed (DCGF), dried distillers grains (DDG), and a new modified corn fiber (MCF). In Trial 2, ruminally cannulated mature crossbred beef steers (n = 4; 606 ± 60 kg) were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square with 11-d periods to determine digestibility and ruminal metabolism of limit-fed cracked corn-alfalfa haylage diets supplemented with cornstarch (CON), DCGF, DDG, or MCF. During Periods 3 and 4, an in situ study was conducted to compare the rate and extent of CP degradation of DCGF, DDG, and MCF. In Trial 1, there were no differences (P > .10) in initial weights or DM intake. Average daily gain and feed efficiency (G/F) were improved (P < .01) for heifers fed DCGF or DDG vs heifers fed MCF. In Trial 2, no differences (P > .10) in digestibilities of any nutrients or in ruminal VFA concentrations were observed for steers fed coproducts. The CON supplementation decreased (P < .05) total dietary fiber (TDF) digestibility, improved (P < .10) digestibilities of DM and OM, increased (P < .05) total VFA concentrations and concentrations of propionate and valerate, and decreased (P < .05) concentrations of butyrate, isobutyrate, and isovalerate when compared with the co-products. Dry corn gluten feed increased (P < .05) and DDG tended (P < .10) to increase percentages of the immediately soluble fraction of CP, and both had increased (P < .05) rates (Kd) and greater (P < .05) extent of ruminal CP degradation than MCF. These data suggest that DCGF and DDG may be utilized in limit-fed high-energy diets without sacrificing performance. Feeding of MCF resulted in poorer performance of heifers, suggesting a limited feeding value that results from high ADIN content and slow in situ protein digestion.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1-6
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of animal science
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2000


  • Beef Cattle
  • Feeding
  • Maize Byproducts

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Food Science
  • Animal Science and Zoology
  • Genetics


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