The Design and Fabrication of Variable Façade Panel Systems

Tanner Theisen, Niloufar Emami

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This study explores how alternative molding methods can be utilized to construct a variety of prefabricated volumetric concrete panels for façades from a single digitally fabricated mold. First, precedents were studied and panel variability was classified into ornamental, geometric, or assembly categories. Then, a molding method was proposed that improves upon traditional processes. Traditionally, geometrically varied façade panels are realized through creating a single mold for every variant, which is inefficient and wasteful. The proposed method allows for reusability of a singular mold which can fabricate variated panels through utilizing interchangeable mold inserts. This proposal was tested on a small scale through creating rapid iterations of molds fabricated with Stereolithography (SLA) printing. Emerging big area additive manufacturing (BAAM) technology allows for the proposed methods to be utilized at the industrial scale where they can reduce the cost, labor, and time of fabricating varied concrete panels while also creating complex geometries.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Dec 2021
EventXXV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - online
Duration: Nov 8 2021Nov 12 2021


ConferenceXXV International Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics


  • Variability
  • Facades
  • Custom Repetitive Manufacturing
  • 3D Printing Mold
  • Precast Panels


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