The corrosion effects of neutron activation of 2LiF-BeF2 (FLiBe)

Lorenzo Vergari, Raluca O. Scarlat, Ryan D. Hayes, Massimiliano Fratoni

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The redox effect of activation reactions in molten salts has been previously qualitatively defined but never quantified. Here, we quantify the corrosion effects of neutron activation of FLiBe. Rates of change of activation products are computed for FHR and ARC. The impact of activation reactions on salt chemistry is quantitatively compared to other environmental effects of similar consequences on the salt. The results are applied to a redox control case-study and an irradiation-corrosion experiment. The results are presented in a manner useful to the reactor chemist and designer concerned with corrosion and chemistry control and tritium management in irradiated FLiBe, and design of salt-irradiation experiments.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number101289
JournalNuclear Materials and Energy
StatePublished - Mar 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • FLiBe fusion blanket
  • fluoride-salt cooled high-temperature reactor (FHR)
  • Irradiation-corrosion in molten salts
  • Neutron-activation driven corrosion
  • Redox control in molten salts
  • Tritium production

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • Materials Science (miscellaneous)
  • Nuclear Energy and Engineering


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