The co ncept of religion in meiji popular discourse an analysis of the newspaper yomiuri shimbun

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Th is article challenges claims that the Japanese neologism shukyo (as a translation for "religion") lacked an established nature prior to the twentieth century and had little to do with experiences of the urban masses. It accordingly problematizes the term as a largely legal concept, highlighting historical newspapers as underutilized sources that off er insight into Meiji popular discourse and attendant conceptualizations of "religion." Th is article endorses a shift in both our chronological understanding of shukyo's conceptual history as well as its sociocultural mobility. By expanding the milieu understood as being familiar with debates on a range of "religious" issues, this article thereby off ers a counter-narrative in which regular use of shukyo begins to clearly emerge from the mid-1880s, exponentially increasing with the following decades.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)40-62
Number of pages23
JournalContributions to the History of Concepts
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jun 2021


  • Anti-Christian
  • Conceptual history
  • Constitution
  • Japan
  • Meiji
  • Newspapers
  • Popular discourse
  • Religion

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • History
  • Sociology and Political Science


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