
According to the Feature Reassembly Hypothesis (Lardiere 2009), L2 learners must acquire, reassembly, or reconfigure features into lexical items in the L2 from the way represented and bundled in their L1. This study extends this approach to the acquisition of two classes of causative verbs – change of state verbs with agentive subjects (kırmak-break) and psychological change of state verbs with experiencer objects (korkutmak-frighten) in L2 Turkish by L1 speakers of English, Spanish and Japanese. The results of a picture judgment task with transitive and intransitive sentences manipulating overt/non-overt morphology on the verbs showed that the L2 learners’ judgments were constrained by the morphological patterns of the learners’ L1s, experiencing different degrees of difficulty with the lexical realization of those features.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationSecond Language Acquisition of Turkish
EditorsAyşe Gürel
PublisherJohn Benjamins Publishing Company
ISBN (Electronic)9789027267078
ISBN (Print)9789027253224
StatePublished - May 19 2016

Publication series

NameLanguage Acquisition and Language Disorders
ISSN (Print)0925-0123


  • causative morphology
  • Turkish
  • Feature Reassembly Hypothesis


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