The Arthur of the North: The Arthurian Legend in the Norse and Rus’ Realms

Marianne E Kalinke (Editor)

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook


This book deals with the introduction of romance to Scandinavia in the thirteenth century and the cultural and literary context of the translations of Latin and French Arthurian literature, including the Tristan legend (with a chapter on the Byelorussian Tristan). It surveys the sources, redactions, and manuscript transmission of the translated texts and analyzes the peculiar nature of the Scandinavian Arthurian matter, including its transmission in prose, and the special place that the Swedish poem Harra Ivan has in the corpus. The volume also considers the late medieval and early modern ballads, rimur (narrative Icelandic poems), and chapbooks that were inspired by the medieval translations of the Tristan legend.
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherUniversity of Wales Press
Number of pages256
ISBN (Electronic)9781783164554, 9780708323540, 9781783164561
ISBN (Print)9781783167876, 9780708323533
StatePublished - Mar 2011

Publication series

NameArthurian Literature in the Middle Ages


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