TeraGrid: Analysis of organization, system architecture, and middleware enabling new types of applications

Charlie Catlett, William E. Allcock, Phil Andrews, Ruth Aydt, Ray Bair, Natasha Balac, Bryan Banister, Trish Barker, Mark Bartelt, Pete Beckman, Francine Berman, Gary Bertoline, Alan Blatecky, Jay Boisseau, Jim Bottum, Sharon Brunett, Julian Bunn, Michelle L Butler, David Carver, John CobbTim Cockerill, Peter F. Couvares, Maytal Dahan, Diana Diehl, Thom Dunning, Ian Foster, Kelly Gaither, Dennis Gannon, Sebastien Goasguen, Michael Grobe, Dave Hart, Matt Heinzel, Chris Hempel, Wendy Huntoon, Joseph Insley, Christopher Jordan, Ivan Judson, Anke Kamrath, Nicholas Karonis, Carl Kesselman, Patricia Kovatch, Lex Lane, Scott Lathrop, Michael Levine, David Lifka, Lee Liming, Miron Livny, Rich Loft, Doru Marcusiu, Jim Marsteller, Stuart Martin, Scott McCaulay, John McGee, Laura McGinnis, Michael McRobbie, Paul Messina, Reagan Moore, Richard Moore, J. P. Navarro, Jeff Nichols, Michael E. Papka, Rob Pennington, Greg Pike, Jim Pool, Raghu Reddy, Dan Reed, Tony Rimovsky, Eric Roberts, Ralph Roskies, Sergiu Sanielevici, J. Ray Scott, Anurag Shankar, Mark Sheddon, Mike Showerman, Derek Simmel, Abe Singer, Dane Skow, Shava Smallen, Warren Smith, Carol Song, Rick Stevens, Craig Stewart, Robert B. Stock, Nathan Stone, John W Towns, Tomislav Urban, Mike Vildibill, Edward Walker, Von Welch, Nancy Wilkins-Diehr, Roy Williams, Linda Winkler, Lan Zhao, Ann Zimmerman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


TeraGrid is a national-scale computational science facility supported through a partnership among thirteen institutions, with funding from the US National Science Foundation [1]. Initially created through a Major Research Equipment Facilities Construction (MREFC [2]) award in 2001, the TeraGrid facility began providing production computing, storage, visualization, and data collections services to the national science, engineering, and education community in January 2004. In August 2005 NSF funded a five-year program to operate, enhance, and expand the capacity and capabilities of the TeraGrid facility to meet the growing needs of the science and engineering community through 2010. This paper describes TeraGrid in terms of the structures, architecture, technologies, and services that are used to provide national-scale, open cyberinfrastructure. The focus of the paper is specifically on the technology approach and use of middleware for the purposes of discussing the impact of such approaches on scientific use of computational infrastructure. While there are many individual science success stories, we do not focus on these in this paper. Similarly, there are many software tools and systems deployed in TeraGrid but our coverage is of the basic system middleware and is not meant to be exhaustive of all technology efforts within TeraGrid. We look in particular at growth and events during 2006 as the user population expanded dramatically and reached an initial 'tipping point' with respect to adoption of new 'grid' capabilities and usage modalities.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationHigh Performance Computing and Grids in Action
PublisherIOS Press BV
Number of pages25
ISBN (Print)9781586038397
StatePublished - 2008

Publication series

NameAdvances in Parallel Computing
ISSN (Print)0927-5452


  • Grids
  • computational science
  • distributed computing
  • high-performance computing
  • infrastructure

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Computer Science


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