Technical Services for Changing Times: Adjusting our Image, Our Skills, and Our Mission

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


The future of technical services presents a dizzying array of challenges and opportunities. From shared print initiatives and inter-institutional cooperative cataloging to rapidly evolving technologies and the changing face of technical services professionals and staff, leadership in technical services increasingly requires an ability to perform a multitude of balancing acts. Successful management must involve an in-depth understanding of the needs of patrons, the flexibility to recognize when traditional technical services functions have outlived their usefulness, and a willingness to try new things that may fail. This article draws on experiences, both successful and not, from a large academic research library to provide useful insight for leaders at other institutions.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages9
Specialist publicationLibrary Administration and Management
PublisherAmerican Library Association
StatePublished - Aug 12 2015


  • Library technical services
  • Library science research
  • Library public services
  • Academic library research
  • Library administration
  • leadership


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