Superconductivity above 70 K observed in lutetium polyhydrides

Zhiwen Li, Xin He, Changling Zhang, Ke Lu, Baosen Min, Jun Zhang, Sijia Zhang, Jianfa Zhao, Luchuan Shi, Yi Peng, Shaomin Feng, Zheng Deng, Jing Song, Qingqing Liu, Xiancheng Wang, Richeng Yu, Luhong Wang, Yingzhe Li, Jay D. Bass, Vitali PrakapenkaStella Chariton, Haozhe Liu, Changqing Jin

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The binary polyhydrides of heavy rare earth lutetium that shares a similar valence electron configuration to lanthanum have been experimentally discovered to be superconductive. The lutetium polyhydrides were successfully synthesized at high pressure and high temperature conditions using a diamond anvil cell in combinations with the in-situ high pressure laser heating technique. The resistance measurements as a function of temperature were performed at the same pressure of synthesis in order to study the transitions of superconductivity (SC). The superconducting transition with a maximum onset temperature (Tc) 71 K was observed at pressure of 218 GPa in the experiments. The Tc decreased to 65 K when pressure was at 181 GPa. From the evolution of SC at applied magnetic fields, the upper critical field at zero temperature μHc2(0 ) was obtained to be ∼36 T. The in-situ high pressure X-ray diffraction experiments imply that the high Tc SC should arise from the Lu4H23 phase with Pm3 ¯ n symmetry that forms a new type of hydrogen cage framework different from those reported for previous light rare earth polyhydride superconductors.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number267411
JournalScience China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2023


  • high pressure synthesis
  • lutetium polyhydrides
  • superconductors at high pressures

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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