Star formation and the galactic magnetic field - The B-rho relation, flux freezing, and magnetic braking

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A recent paper by Mestel and Paris (1984) claims that the above author has misused the relation B ∝ ρ1/2 between the magnetic field and the gas density in a contracting interstellar cloud, in that he has used an inappropriate proportionality constant. According to Mestel and Paris, this led to an incorrect time scale for the magnetic braking of an aligned rotator (Mouschovias 1979). The author documents here that, since the invention of that B-ρ relation (Mouschovias 1976), he has used it consistently and with full awareness of its validity conditions. The apparent discrepancy concerning the braking time scale is due to (1) the different geometry considered by Mestel and Paris, and (2) their applying Mouschovias' expression to a situation that violates an important validity condition.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)41-47
Number of pages7
JournalAstronomy and Astrophysics
StatePublished - Jan 1985


  • Galactic Structure
  • Interstellar Magnetic Fields
  • Planetary Nebulae
  • Protostars
  • Star Formation
  • Gas Density
  • Gravitational Collapse
  • Interstellar Matter
  • Magnetic Effects
  • Astrophysics


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