title = "Spin-dependent scattering of polarized protons from a polarized 3He internal gas target",
abstract = "We describe the first experiment to use a polarized internal gas target and polarized beam in a storage ring. A laser optically pumped polarized 3He internal gas target has been used with circulating beams of 197-414 MeV polarized protons to carry out an extensive set of measurements of spin dependent scattering. A large acceptance non-magnetic detector system consisting of wire-chambers, scintillators and microstrip detectors was used to detect protons, neutrons, deuterons, and 3He nuclei from the beam-target interaction. It is demonstrated that these techniques result in low backgrounds (< 1%) due to scattering from species other than the polarized target gas and allow detection of low energy recoiling nuclei. Specific issues such as interfacing the experiment to the storage ring and monitoring the luminosity and polarizations are discussed in detail.",
author = "C. Bloch and J. Doskow and Goodman, {C. D.} and Jacobs, {W. W.} and M. Leuschner and Meyer, {H. O.} and {von Przewoski}, B. and T. Rinckel and G. Savopulos and A. Smith and J. Sowinski and F. Sperisen and Pitts, {W. K.} and D. DeSchepper and R. Ent and Hansen, {J. O.} and J. Kelsey and W. Korsch and Kramer, {L. H.} and K. Lee and Makins, {N. C.R.} and Milner, {R. G.} and Pate, {S. F.} and C. Tschal{\"a}r and Welch, {T. P.} and D. Marchlenski and E. Sugarbaker and W. Lorenzon and Pancella, {P. V.} and {van den Brand}, {J. F.J.} and Bulten, {H. J.} and Jones, {C. E.} and Miller, {M. A.} and J. Neal and O. Unal and Zhou, {Z. L.}",
note = "Funding Information: This work is supportedi n part by the National Science Foundation under Grants no. PHY-9015957 (IUCF), PHY-9019983( Madison), PHY-9018242 (Ohio State) and the NSF Research Opportunity Award Program (Louisville and W. Michigan) and by the Departmento f Energy under Contract no. W-31-109-ENG-38 (ANL) and DE-AC02-76ER03069 (MIT). RGM acknowledges a Presidential Young InvestigatorA ward from the NSF.",
year = "1995",
month = jan,
day = "30",
doi = "10.1016/0168-9002(94)01057-9",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "354",
pages = "437--457",
journal = "Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A",
issn = "0168-9002",
publisher = "Elsevier B.V.",
number = "2-3",