Spatial Isolation Implies Zero Knowledge Even in a Quantum World

Alessandro Chiesa, Michael A. Forbes, Tom Gur, Nicholas Spooner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Zero knowledge plays a central role in cryptography and complexity. The seminal work of Ben-Or et al. (STOC 1988) shows that zero knowledge can be achieved unconditionally for any language in NEXP, as long as one is willing to make a suitable physical assumption: if the provers are spatially isolated, then they can be assumed to be playing independent strategies. Quantum mechanics, however, tells us that this assumption is unrealistic, because spatially-isolated provers could share a quantum entangled state and realize a non-local correlated strategy. The MIP∗ model captures this setting. In this work, we study the following question: Does spatial isolation still suffice to unconditionally achieve zero knowledge even in the presence of quantum entanglement?We answer this question in the affirmative: we prove that every language in NEXP has a 2-prover zero knowledge interactive proof that is sound against entangled provers; that is, NEXP ⊆ ZK-MIP∗.Our proof consists of constructing a zero knowledge interactive probabilistically checkable proof with a strong algebraic structure, and then lifting it to the MIP∗ model. This lifting relies on a new framework that builds on recent advances in low-degree testing against entangled strategies, and clearly separates classical and quantum tools. Our main technical contribution is the development of new algebraic techniques for obtaining unconditional zero knowledge; this includes a zero knowledge variant of the celebrated sumcheck protocol, a key building block in many probabilistic proof systems. A core component of our sumcheck protocol is a new algebraic commitment scheme, whose analysis relies on algebraic complexity theory.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number15
JournalJournal of the ACM
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2022


  • Zero knowledge
  • algebraic complexity
  • interactive PCPs
  • multi-prover interactive proofs
  • quantum entangled strategies
  • sumcheck protocol

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Software
  • Control and Systems Engineering
  • Information Systems
  • Hardware and Architecture
  • Artificial Intelligence


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