Sources of information and support for breastfeeding: Alignment with centers for disease control and prevention strategies

Carolyn Sutter, Barbara H. Fiese, Alexandra Lundquist, Erin C. Davis, Brent A. McBride, Sharon M. Donovan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background and Objectives: Research consistently supports health benefits of breastfeeding; however, rates in the United States remain below Healthy People 2020 goals. To increase breastfeeding, information and support are needed from multiple sources. Given differences in breastfeeding rates by demographic characteristics, sources of information and support may also differ. In addition, recent research suggests potential differences in health outcomes related to feeding method (direct breastfeeding only, feeding expressed human milk, combination-feeding with formula). This study examined (1) information and support received within Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-defined strategies for supporting breastfeeding mothers, (2) differences in rates of information and support received by demographics, and (3) associations with feeding method at 6 weeks postpartum. Materials and Methods: A sample of 447 women participating in the Synergistic Theory Research Obesity and Nutrition Group (STRONG) Kids 2 study completed surveys with questions from the CDC Survey on Infant Feeding Practices II related to sources of information and support for breastfeeding and breast pump use, and about demographics and feeding method at 6 weeks postpartum. Results: Frequencies of supports received within each category indicate that professional supports were the most pervasive, followed by support from friends and relatives. However, women at greater risk for breastfeeding cessation (lower education, Women, Infants, and Children participants, single mothers) received information and support at lower rates. Education and information support was the only source significantly associated with feeding method. Conclusion: New approaches are needed to increase efficacy of information delivery, especially for at-risk populations, to better meet CDC recommendations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)598-606
Number of pages9
JournalBreastfeeding Medicine
Issue number9
StatePublished - Nov 2018


  • breastfeeding
  • information
  • support

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pediatrics
  • Health Policy
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Maternity and Midwifery


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