Sources and effects of nonclassical damping in discrete-distributed dynamical systems

D. Michael McFarland, Lawrence A. Bergman

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In the study of the vibration of linear systems, the role of damping is one of undisputed and increasing importance. As structures evolve toward lighter and more flexible configurations, they come to rely more upon damping to control vibrations induced by applied load or rapid maneuvering. Consequently, a thorough and correct understanding of the processes involved and of their mathematical analyses becomes essential in the design and testing of such systems. When modal analysis is to be applied to damped mechanical systems it is often important to know whether a system possesses classical normal modes, and if not, what errors are introduced by the assumption that such modes exist. It is particularly difficult to properly handle damping in a system comprised of both continuous and discrete elements, and including both distributed and lumped damping. Such a discrete-distributed system is analyzed here in detail, with emphasis on the influence of various damping mechanisms, as well as their interaction. Two examples illustrate the application of the resulting analytical tools.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 1990
EventAIAA Dynamics Specialist Conference - Long Beach, CA, USA
Duration: Apr 5 1990Apr 6 1990


OtherAIAA Dynamics Specialist Conference
CityLong Beach, CA, USA

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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