Silicon nanoparticle-functionalized fiberglass pads for sampling

Kevin Mantey, Munir H. Nayfeh, Bahjat Al-Hreish, Jack Boparai, Ashok Kumar, Larry D. Stephenson, Andrew J. Nelson, Salman A. Alrokayan, Khalid M. Abu-Salah

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We used wet treatment to immobilize luminescent silicon nanoparticles on industrial glass fibers to impart optical and chemical functions to the fiber. Carpets or pads consisting of thousands of fibers are processed in parallel, enhancing the sensitivity of detection and the sampled volume. Treated pads exhibit strong luminescence, characteristic of the luminescence of the particles; showing no shift, broadening, or reduction of quantum efficiency. We demonstrate that drawing material by the pad due to physical adsorption can be reversed. We also demonstrate that allylamine can be covalently attached by photoinduced irradiation reactions, which results in imprinting the amine emission spectrum, providing spectral recognition. The imprint accompanied with a blue-shifting of the luminescence spectrum of the probe, allowing examination of the effect of termination on the nanoparticle structure. The shift is found to be consistent with an increase in the bandgap of the Si nanoparticle and is consistent with Quantum Monte Carlo calculations. In addition to sampling, the nano probe pad has the potential to enable a variety of biomedical applications through subsequent attachment.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number064321
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Mar 15 2011

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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