Short-distance matrix elements for D 0 -meson mixing from N f = 2 + 1 lattice QCD

A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. M. Bouchard, C. C. Chang, C. Detar, D. Du, A. X. El-Khadra, E. D. Freeland, E. Gámiz, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, A. S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, P. B. Mackenzie, E. T. Neil, J. N. Simone, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van De Water, R. Zhou

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We calculate in three-flavor lattice QCD the short-distance hadronic matrix elements of all five ΔC=2 four-fermion operators that contribute to neutral D-meson mixing both in and beyond the Standard Model. We use the MILC Collaboration's Nf=2+1 lattice gauge-field configurations generated with asqtad-improved staggered sea quarks. We also employ the asqtad action for the valence light quarks and use the clover action with the Fermilab interpretation for the charm quark. We analyze a large set of ensembles with pions as light as Mπ≈180 MeV and lattice spacings as fine as a≈0.045 fm, thereby enabling good control over the extrapolation to the physical pion mass and continuum limit. We obtain for the matrix elements in the MS̄-NDR scheme using the choice of evanescent operators proposed by Beneke et al., evaluated at 3 GeV, D0|Oi|D̄0={0.0805(55)(16),-0.1561(70)(31),0.0464(31)(9),0.2747(129)(55),0.1035(71)(21)} GeV4 (i=1-5). The errors shown are from statistics and lattice systematics, and the omission of charmed sea quarks, respectively. To illustrate the utility of our matrix-element results, we place bounds on the scale of CP-violating new physics in D0 mixing, finding lower limits of about 10-50×103 TeV for couplings of O(1). To enable our results to be employed in more sophisticated or model-specific phenomenological studies, we provide the correlations among our matrix-element results. For convenience, we also present numerical results in the other commonly used scheme of Buras, Misiak, and Urban.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number034513
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number3
StatePublished - Feb 1 2018

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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