Shear layer flapping and interface convolution in a separated supersonic flow

C. J. Bourdon, J. C. Dutton

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The steadiness and convolution of the interface between the freestream and recirculating/wake core regions in an axisymmetric, separated supersonic flow were studied using planar imaging. Five regions along the shear layer/wake boundary were investigated in detail to quantify the effects that key phenomena, such as the recompression and reattachment processes, have on the development of large-scale unsteady motions and interfacial convolution. These studies show that ‘flapping’ motions, when viewed from the side, generally increase in magnitude, in relation to the local shear layer thickness, with downstream distance, except at the mean reattachment point, where they are slightly suppressed. When viewed from the end, the area-based (pulsing) fluctuations increase monotonically downstream as a percentage of the local area, while the position-based (flapping) motions show pronounced peaks in magnitude in the recompression region and in the developing wake. The interface convolution increases monotonically with downstream distance in both the side-and end-view orientations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 1999
Event30th Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1999 - Norfolk, United States
Duration: Jun 28 1999Jul 1 1999


Other30th Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1999
Country/TerritoryUnited States

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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