Sexual Coping Mechanisms During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Their Determinants of Use, Usefulness, and Effects on Sex Life

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Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on many people’s sex lives. The ways people cope with these adverse impacts are an urgent area that needs to be recognized by sexual health researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Thus, this study investigated sexual coping mechanisms during the pandemic while clarifying their determinants of use and usefulness and examining their impacts on the quantity and quality of sex life. Methods: The cross-sectional data (N = 675) were collected using an online survey methodology in February–May 2021. The data were analyzed with one-sample and independent-samples t-tests, one-way between-subjects ANOVA, and multivariate multiple regression. Results: This study identified eight sexual coping mechanisms during the pandemic, including creativity and pleasure, diversion, goal-setting, relational, educational, caution and logistical, online and technological, and innovation and experimentation strategies. All the coping mechanisms were used and rated significantly useful, albeit to different degrees. Gender, availability of a sex partner, the existence of children, and age served as determinants of different coping mechanisms’ scope of use and degree of usefulness. The coping mechanisms predicted the frequency of sexual activity, sexual desire, and satisfaction with sex life during the pandemic. Conclusions: This study’s results can help scholars and practitioners prevent or mitigate the deterioration of sex life during the pandemics and other crises and stressors. It is essential to train people concerning sexual coping resources and strategies to protect their sexual wellbeing and quality of life. Policy Implications: Health researchers, practitioners, and policymakers must consider maintaining sexual health as an essential service. Recognizing sexual health, rights, education, and counseling is a prerequisite for appropriate prevention measures during the pandemic. It is vital to ensure the availability of proper resources supporting people’s sexual coping processes during and after the pandemic.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1568-1591
Number of pages24
JournalSexuality Research and Social Policy
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 2023


  • COVID-19
  • Satisfaction with sex life
  • Sexual behavior
  • Sexual coping
  • Sexual desire

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Health(social science)
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology and Political Science


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