Second international swine CD workshop summary

J. K. Lunnev, M. P. Pescovfe, S. Ttenhüm, K. Haverson, C. Stokes, W. Davis, J. Donùnguez, F. Zuckermann, A. Saalmûller

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The Second International Swine Cluster of Differentiation (CD) Workshop was organized to standardize the assignment of monoclonal antibody (mAb) reactivity to swine leukocyte differentiation antigens. This IUIS supported workshop took place in 1993-199 and was chaired by A. Saalmüller; 25 laboratories worldwide analyzed the 176 submitted mAb and 9 internal standard mAb. As a result of the summary workshop session, revisions in the existing nomenclature for Swine CD were accepted so that rules are now in accord with those for the human CD molecules: swine CD# assignments are only given to swine orthologues of human CD when characterized by tissue distribution, appropriate molecular mass of the antigen, and sequence of the respective molecule; lacking this wCD# are assigned. Swine workshop cluster # (SWC#) are assigned for clusters of 2 or more mAb with common phenotypes on swine cells. Based on this revised nomenclature the following CDs are designated in swine: wCDl, CD2 [2 new mAb], CD3 [6, 3 each against 2 epitopes], CD4 [1], CDS [2], CD6 [1], CDS [3; 1 against a new CD8c epitope], CD14 [3], CD16 [1], CD18, wCD21 [2], wCD25 [1], wCD29 [2], wCD44, CD45, CD45RA [3], CD45RC [1], SWCI [1] and SWC7 [1]. Two new clusters, SWC8 [2] and SWC9 [2], were also characterized. These internationally characterized mAb should be very useful for scientists using the pig for veterinary and biomédical research.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)A1039
JournalFASEB Journal
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1996
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biotechnology
  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Genetics


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