title = "Scipion Dupleix: Libert{\'e} de la langue fran{\c c}oise dans sa puret{\'e}",
abstract = "Too much of a Gascon character for the court, Scipion Dupleix and his contributions to the linguistic debates of the Grand Si{\`e}cle deserve to be revisited. His critiques of Vaugelas uphold the “freedom of each” as far as language is concerned, and emphasize the social ramifications of punctilious disputes over grammar.",
keywords = "Linguistique historique, xviie si{\`e}cle, Remarqueurs, absolutisme, langue standard, stylistique",
editor = "Kibbee, {Douglas A} and Marcus Keller",
year = "2018",
doi = "10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-07132-7",
language = "French",
isbn = "978-2-406-07130-3",
series = "Descriptions and Theories of the French Language",
publisher = "Classiques Garnier",
number = "3",