Review of the Species of New World Erythroneurini (Hemiptera Cicadellidae Typhlocybinae) IV. Genus Eratoneura

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The 197 species (including 2 new species) of the Nearctic leafhopper genus Eratoneura are reviewed. Eratoneura betulae sp.n. from New Brunswick (Canada) and E. mcateei sp.n. from the central and northeastern USA are described as new. In addition, 123 new synonyms are recognized and a lectotype is designated for Typhlocyba hartii Gillette. A key is provided for identification of males. All known species are illustrated, and data on their distributions and host plants are summarized. All species of Eratoneura are native to temperate North America, where they feed and oviposit mainly on woody deciduous trees and shrubs
Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number3
Pages (from-to)79–258
JournalIllinois Natural History Survey Bulletin
StatePublished - Jun 2010


  • INHS


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