Results of the 2009-2010 Illinois Hunter Harvest Survey

Stacy A. Lischka, Linda K. Campbell, Molly R. Spacapan, Mark G. Alessi

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


A random sample of 3,000 potential hunters was selected from among 2009 Illinois Habitat Stamp and hunting license purchasers. A 10-page questionnaire was successfully mailed to 2,907 of the 3,000 individuals. We received 1,643 returned questionnaires, of which 1,634 were usable, for a 57% response rate. Comparisons of harvest estimates from the 2008-2009 season to the 2009-2010 season suggest harvest decreased for 8 game animals (quail, pheasant, dove, woodcock, raccoon, red fox, gray fox, coyote), and increased for five game categories (rabbit, crow, groundhog, gray squirrel, opossum). License sales increased 2%; 283,746 licenses were sold for the 2008 season, whereas 288,472 were sold for the 2009 season. Hunters responded to several questions regarding changes to deer, and rabbit hunting activities in Illinois. A majority (87%) of respondents hunt deer in Illinois; thirty one percent of deer hunters would like to see the number of deer increase somewhat in the next 5 years. Sixty-five percent of deer hunters reported an average, above average, or excellent experience during the 2009-2010 hunting season. Rabbits were pursued by 26% of respondents; 43% of these hunters surveyed did not agree with extending the rabbit season.
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherIllinois Natural History Survey
StatePublished - Jan 14 2011

Publication series

NameINHS Technical Report 2011 (08)


  • INHS


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