Reducing Water Consumption by Re-Use

Illinois Sustainable Technology Center

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


Carus Corporation is an environmental services company providing materials to the water, industrial, air and soil remediation markets, operating six sites globally. Carus Corporation has reduced the energy and carbon footprint of its flagship product, potassium permanganate, by 25% since 2009 in response to competitive threats. Carus Corporation is now expanding these efforts to water conservation as well. The current project aims to reuse non-contact cooling water at their LaSalle Facility as a replacement to the raw city water currently feeding into operations such as boilers requiring purified water.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of PublicationChampaign, IL
PublisherIllinois Sustainable Technology Center
StatePublished - Feb 2015

Publication series

NameOne Billion Gallon Water Challenge Update


  • Water conservation -- Illinois -- Case studies
  • Water reuse -- Illinois -- Case studies
  • Industrial water use -- Illinois -- Case studies


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