Red giants from the Pennsylvania - Toruń Planet Search

P. Zieliński, A. Niedzielski, M. Adamów, A. Wolszczan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The main goal of the Pennsylvania - Toruń Planet Search (PTPS) is detection and characterization of planets around evolved stars using the high-accuracy radial velocity (RV) technique. The project is performed with the 9.2 m Hobby-Eberly Telescope. To determine stellar parameters and evolutionary status for targets observed within the survey complete spectral analysis of all objects is required. In this paper we present the atmospheric parameters (effective temperatures, surface gravities, microturbulent velocities and metallicities) of a subsample of Red Giant Clump stars using strictly spectroscopic methods based on analysis of equivalent widths of Fe I and Fe II lines. It is shown that our spectroscopic approach brings reliable and consistent results.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationResearch, Science and Technology of Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of an International Conference Held in Shangai on Occasion of a Total Eclipse of the Sun
EditorsWeipeng Lin, Eduardo L. Martin, Eduardo L. Martin, Jian Ge
PublisherEDP Sciences
ISBN (Electronic)9782759806645
StatePublished - Jul 18 2011
Externally publishedYes
EventInternational Conference Held in Shangai on Occasion of a Total Eclipse of the Sun - Shanghai, China
Duration: Jul 20 2009Jul 24 2009

Publication series

NameEPJ Web of Conferences
ISSN (Print)2101-6275
ISSN (Electronic)2100-014X


ConferenceInternational Conference Held in Shangai on Occasion of a Total Eclipse of the Sun

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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