Recycling Survey Report: City of Urbana

Illinois Sustainable Technology Center

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


A waste audit was conducted by the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) for the Urbana City Building in December, 2013. ISTC made recommendations to increase overall recycling rates after the waste audit was conducted. The survey was the first recommended step in order to determine how much Urbana employees know about the U-Cycle program, and to obtain employee feedback on how to best implement new practices. Of the 201 employees that work in the Urbana City Building, 50 employees responded to the recycling survey that was sent via e-mail on July 9, 2014. This accounts for a 25% response rate. The survey had 24 questions and included an incentive of a $50 Amazon gift card for one employee, picked at random, if they completed the survey. The complete survey is attached in the appendix.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of PublicationChampaign, IL
PublisherIllinois Sustainable Technology Center
StatePublished - Jul 2014

Publication series

NameZero Waste Project Report


  • Recycling -- Urbana, IL


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