Recent Radiocarbon Dates on Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) from Illinois

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Domesticated crops introduced to eastern North America from Mesoamerica, like maize, beans, and squash, each had their own patterns of dissemination and adoption. The adoption and use of beans in Illinois has been poorly understood due to limited available dates. This paper presents recent unpublished radiocarbon dates for beans from several sites in Illinois and summarizes previous dates. This information is then used to discuss how prehistoric people of Illinois incorporated beans into their subsistence strategies.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 2014
EventMidwest Archaeological Conference - Champaign, IL
Duration: Oct 2 2014Oct 4 2014


ConferenceMidwest Archaeological Conference
CityChampaign, IL


  • ISAS


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