Raman scattering studies of Ca2-xSrxRuO4

H. Rho, S. L. Cooper, S. Nakatsuji, H. Fukazawa, Y. Maeno

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We present Raman scattering studies of the magnetic, electronic, and structural properties of Ca2-xSrxRuO4 as functions of temperature and Sr substitution. Raman spectra from Ca2RuO4 reveal a two-magnon scattering response for T<TN and an increase of the electron-phonon interaction strength through TN. The two-magnon energy at low temperature is relatively insensitive to Sr substitution. In contrast, Sr substitution causes a much more dramatic renormalization of the two-magnon energy and linewidth with increasing temperature toward TN. Moreover, substitution of Sr for Ca results in a significant increase in the electron-phonon interaction strength.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1270-1272
Number of pages3
JournalPhysica B: Condensed Matter
Issue numberSPEC. ISS.
StatePublished - Apr 30 2005


  • CaSrRuO
  • Metal-insulator transition
  • Raman scattering

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Materials Science
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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