Quantum Kibble-Zurek physics in the presence of spatially correlated dissipation

P. Nalbach, Smitha Vishveshwara, Aashish A. Clerk

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We study how the universal properties of quantum quenches across critical points are modified by a weak coupling to a thermal bath, focusing on the paradigmatic case of the transverse field Ising model. Beyond the standard quench-induced Kibble-Zurek defect production in the absence of the bath, the bath contributes extra thermal defects. We show that spatial correlations in the noise produced by the bath can play a crucial role: one obtains quantitatively different scaling regimes depending on whether the correlation length of the noise is smaller or larger than the Kibble-Zurek length associated with the quench speed, and the thermal length set by the temperature. For the case of spatially correlated bath noise, additional thermal defect generation is restricted to a window that is both quantum critical and excluded from the nonequilibrium regime surrounding the critical point. We map the dissipative quench problem to a set of effectively independent dissipative Landau-Zener problems. Using this mapping along with both analytic and numerical calculations allows us to find the scaling of the excess defect density produced in the quench, and it suggests a generic picture for such dissipative quenches.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number014306
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 31 2015

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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