Quantum beating in Rb at 18.3 THz (608 cm-1) detected by parametric six-wave mixing and sum-frequency generation in LiIO3

C. J. Zhu, Y. Xiao, A. A. Senin, J. Gao, J. G. Eden, T. S. Varzhapetyan, D. H. Sarkisyan

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Axially phase-matched parametric six-wave mixing (PSWM) has been observed in Rb vapor by two-photon excitation of the atom (5s→→7s,5d) with ∼150 fs pulses, centered at λ∼769 nm and generated by a Ti: Al2 O3 laser system. For a peak laser pulse intensity of 30 GW cm-2, PSWM is observed for Rb number densities ([Rb])>2.5× 1015 cm-3 whereas, for [Rb]=2.2× 1016 cm-3, the PSWM process is detectable for pump intensities above ∼3 GW cm-2. Upconversion of the 1.367 μm and 1.323 μm signal waves into the visible (λ∼494 nm) has been accomplished by sum frequency generation in LiIO3, and quantum beating in Rb at 18.3 THz (∼608 cm-1) has been observed by monitoring the upconverted signal wave intensity produced in pump-probe experiments. These results broaden the scope of the wave packet detection scheme reported by Tran [Opt. Lett. 23, 70 (1998)] in that a variety of coherent nonlinear optical processes (χ(3), χ(5),...) appear to be suitable for observing the amplitude and phase of atomic (or molecular) wave packets.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number053405
JournalPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 8 2007

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics


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