Profile of the Lithic Assemblage from a Central Illinois River Valley Mississippian Town Site

Amanda J. Butler, Brenda Beck, Madeleine G. Evans

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review


Settlement "D" at the Orendorf site produced an unusually large lithic assemblage. The town's catastrophic burning resulted in the abandonment of much of the residue of daily life. These circumstances afford us the unique opportunity to examine a relatively complete set of household and civic lithic tools and debris. This paper offers a basic description of the artifacts recovered emphasizing a diverse suite of bitted groundstone tools and carved block pipes. We compare the standardized frequency of arrowpoints and endscrapers with that of other central Illinois Late Prehistoric sites, and discuss factors affecting the quantity of material recovered.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 2010


  • ISAS


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