Phylogeny of the leafhopper subfamily Evacanthinae with a review of Neotropical species and notes on related groups (Hemiptera: Membracoidea: Cicadellidae)

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


The phylogenetic analysis of ninety-two adult morphological characters supports the treatment of Nirvaninae as a junior synonym of Evacanthinae and the redefinition of Evacanthinae to include the tribes Nirvanini, Balbillini, Evacanthini and Pagaroniini. The analysis indicates that Nirvaninae, as previously defined, is polyphyletic. A key to tribes and Neotropical genera is provided and diagnostic features for these taxa are reviewed. Jassoqualus Kramer, Neonirvana Oman, Synogonia Melichar (= Jassopronus Nielson & Godoy, syn.n.) and Tahura Melichar are retained within Nirvanini and two new Neotropical genera of this tribe are described and illustrated: Antillonirvana, gen.n., based on two new species from the Dominican Republic and one from Cuba; and Chibchanirvana, gen.n., based on two new species from Colombia. Pentoffia Kramer and Evanirvana Hill are treated as incertae sedis within Evacanthinae. Six new species of Pentoffia, a new species of Synogonia, a new species of Jassoqualus, two new species of Neonirvana and eleven new species of Tahura, all from South America, are also described and illustrated. The following taxa included previously in Nirvaninae are excluded from Evacanthinae, sensu lato: Tungurahuala Kramer to Cicadellinae; Columbonirvana Linnavuori to Typhlocybinae; Macroceratogoniini to Coelidiinae; Occinirvanini Evans to Deltocephalinae. Omaranus Distant, placed previously in Occinirvanini, is transferred to Doraturini (Deltocephalinae).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)455-487
Number of pages33
JournalSystematic Entomology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 2004

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  • Insect Science


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