Particle-Based Methods for Mesoscopic Transport Processes

Zhen Li, Wenxiao Pan, Alexandre M. Tartakovsky

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Biological phenomena at cellular and subcellular levels involve transport of reacting biochemical species, including proteins, enzymes, and nutrients. At the mesoscopic scale, stochastic effects can play an important role and dominate the biological processes. Therefore, the continuum deterministic description, which ignores fluctuations, becomes no longer accurate. To this end, mesoscopic methods with stochastic terms are attracting more attention as a promising approach for tackling challenging problems in cellular biology and bioengineering. This chapter describes particle-based stochastic models for mesoscopic transport processes, including thermal transport, reactive chemical transport, and ionic transport in mesoscopic systems.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationHandbook of Materials Modeling
Subtitle of host publicationApplications: Current and Emerging Materials, Second Edition
Number of pages20
ISBN (Electronic)9783319446806
ISBN (Print)9783319446790
StatePublished - Jan 1 2020
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy
  • General Engineering
  • General Chemistry


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