Oxygen-17 and aluminium-27 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic investigations of aluminium(III) hydrolysis products

Arthur R. Thompson, Ajit C. Kunwar, Herbert S. Gutowsky, Eric Oldfield

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We report the 17O and 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectra of the products of aluminium(III) hydrolysis by base. Our results indicate that combined use of solution (chemical shift, linewidth, and spin-lattice relaxation time) and solid-state (static, 'magic-angle' sample spinning, and cross-polarization 'magic-angle' sample spinning) n.m.r. techniques permits determination of nuclear quadrupolar coupling constants (e2qQ/h, in solution and solid state) for both 17O and 27Al nuclei, and in suitable cases, measurement of rotational correlation times in solution. Cross polarization allows differentiation between AlO4 and Al-O-H oxygens in solid-state n.m.r. spectra of tridecamer crystals. The 17O e2qQ/h value for AlO4 is in good agreement with predictions based on electronegativity considerations. The AlO4 oxygens in the tridecamer are essentially inert to substitution, while the others are quite labile. The rotational correlation time of the tridecamer in solution at 23 °C is ca. 1.3 × 10-10 s.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2317-2322
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions
Issue number10
StatePublished - 1987

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemistry


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