Overview of the MULTI-OPTION MODEL: A Computerized Waste Reduction Information and Advisory System: Status Report

Illinois Sustainable Technology Center

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


The Multi-Option Model (MOM) is an interactive computerizediwaste management tool originally developed by ICF Technology, Inc. for the Maryland Hazardous Facilities Siting Board and theiUSEPA. Its primary purpose is to assist generators and state technical assistance officials with the completion and analysisiof technologies and methods for the reduction, reuse and treatment of solid and hazardous waste. Recently the Illinois Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center (HWRIC) contracted with ICF Technology, Inc. for further development ofitwo components of the MOM. Exhibited at Illinois Hazardous Waste Reduction '87 Conference, September 22-23, 1987, Chicago, Illinois.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 1987
EventIllinois Hazardous Waste Reduction '87 Conference - Chicago, United States
Duration: Sep 22 1987Sep 23 1987


ConferenceIllinois Hazardous Waste Reduction '87 Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States


  • Waste minimization -- Computer programs
  • Pollution prevention -- Case studies -- Computer programs


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