Organometallic Sonochemistry

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This chapter discusses the chemical effects of ultrasound on organometallic systems. An overview of the physics of acoustic cavitation is required for explaining the origin of sonochemical reactivity, and a brief summary of the general reactivity patterns observed for all sonochemical reactions is essential for a sense of perspective. The primary thrust, however, is on organometallic sonochemistry, nearly all of which has been reported during the past 10 years. The tensile strength of a pure liquid is determined by the attractive intermolecular forces, which maintain its liquid state. When a liquid–solid interface is subjected to ultrasound, transient cavitation still occurs, but with major changes in the nature of the bubble collapse. A variety of devices have been used for ultrasonic irradiation of solutions. The early studies of the chemical effects of ultrasound have been thoroughly reviewed. Only the most important and most recent research is mentioned as needed to provide a perspective on sonochemical reactivity patterns. The effect of high-intensity ultrasound on organometallic systems is an area of recent investigation; consequently, a limited range of complexes and reactions have been examined. The use of ultrasound in both homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions will see increasing study. The potential to do high-energy chemistry in condensed phases at room temperature remains an attractive feature of sonochemistry.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)73-119
Number of pages47
JournalAdvances in Organometallic Chemistry
Issue numberC
StatePublished - Jan 1986

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Organic Chemistry


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