Options for Energy Conservation

Bruce M Hannon

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


An input-output model useful in measuring energy use, efficiency of production processes, and product uses is presented. The model provides estimates of total energy and employment shifts in a variety of processes and products. Several of these demand shifts and their potential impacts are discussed. United States industry, in general, becomes more energy-intensive as it grows. The impacts of demand shifts and changing character of industry as it evolves on consumer cost, employment, and pollution should be thoroughly under- stood before policy recommendations should be initiated.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationEnergy Conservation Through Effective Energy Utilization
Subtitle of host publication1973 Engineering Foundation conference, New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire, August 19-24, 1973
EditorsJesse C Denton, Stephen Webber, John Moriarty
PublisherNational Institute of Standards and Technology
StatePublished - Jun 1976

Publication series

NameNBS Special Publication


  • Economic
  • Input-Output Model
  • Energy


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