Optical systems fabricated by printing-based assembly

John A Rogers (Inventor), Ralph G Nuzzo (Inventor), Matthew Meitl (Inventor), Etienne Menard (Inventor), Alfred J Baca (Inventor), Michael J Motala (Inventor), Jong-Hyun Ahn (Inventor), Sang Il Park (Inventor), Chang-Jae Yu (Inventor), Heung Cho Ko (Inventor), Mark Stoykovich (Inventor), Jongseung Yoon (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Provided are optical devices and systems fabricated, at least in part, via printing-based assembly and integration of device components. In specific embodiments the present invention provides light emitting systems, light collecting systems, light sensing systems and photovoltaic systems comprising printable semiconductor elements, including large area, high performance macroelectronic devices. Optical systems of the present invention comprise semiconductor elements assembled, organized and/or integrated with other device components via printing techniques that exhibit performance characteristics and functionality comparable to single crystalline semiconductor based devices fabricated using conventional high temperature processing methods. Optical systems of the present invention have device geometries and configurations, such as form factors, component densities, and component positions, accessed by printing that provide a range of useful device functionalities. Optical systems of the present invention include devices and device arrays exhibiting a range of useful physical and mechanical properties including flexibility, shapeability, conformability and stretchablity.
Original languageEnglish (US)
U.S. patent number9601671
Filing date7/15/15
StatePublished - Mar 21 2017


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