Optical bandwidth enhancement of light emitting and lasing transistor devices and circuits

Han Wui Then (Inventor), Nick Holonyak (Inventor), Gabriel Walter (Inventor), Milton Feng (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method for producing wide bandwidth laser emission responsive to high frequency electrical input signals, including the following steps: providing a heterojunction bipolar transistor device having collector, base, and emitter regions; providing at least one quantum size region in the base region, and enclosing at least a portion of the base region in an optical resonant cavity; coupling electrical signals, including the high frequency electrical input signals, with respect to the collector, base and emitter region, to cause laser emission from the transistor device; and reducing the operating beta of the transistor laser device to enhance the optical bandwidth of the laser emission in response to the high frequency electrical signals.
Original languageEnglish (US)
U.S. patent number8005124
Filing date10/14/09
StatePublished - Aug 23 2011


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